This is a small website that lets us post updates and news about our project to open a Men's Shed. It'll be based in Leadhills and will serve the Lowther Hills area.
Hi to all you Shedders (notice the correct spelling of “shedders”, and if there are any further spelling mistakes “sorry”. The first meeting will be held in the Leadhills Library Friday 14th April 2023 6:30pm and a good turnout would be gratefully appreciated. I Have been busy working on sketches,...
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Hi to all shedders,
We have some great news, after a meeting with Donald Noble, Factor of Hopetoun Estates, and Martin Docherty, Director of the ski club in Wanlockhead, we have been given the go ahead
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Hi to all Shed men, just an update, we have had a super response to my first post as you can see we have changed the name to Include all in the Lowther and surrounding area, we are moving forward and have our constitution in place, next step is to...
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