Lowther and District Men’s Shed

Meeting. FRI: 29/11/24. 6:30pm

2, Gowanbank, Leadhills, ML12 6YB


  1. Open meeting and Apologies

  2. Approval of minutes held Friday 11/10/2024.

  3. Chairs Report.

  4. Treasurer Report.

  5. Secretary Report.

  6. update on REF/ CLYDE Funding

  7. Hopetoun Presentation in village hall.

  8. Leadhills Library Calendar.

  9. Update on progress.

  10. AOCB

It is a very important meeting, much to talk about, we are pulling together another round of funding for the workshop, and your input is needed.RE: fitting and equipment.

All are very welcome; your input is very important.

Nigel Davies, Secretary L&DMS


Facebook: Lowther and district men’s shed lowthermenshed.co.uk phone: 07766264455