Lowther and District Men’s Shed

Minutes of meeting held at Lowther Hill Building 03/05/2024. 6:30 pm


J Lowdon (Chair), N Davies (Secretary), G Elliott (tre), N Stewart (tre)


J Saunders, N Kennedy, R Senior, W Whitaker


C Greatorex (Treasurer), B Fraser (tre), R Leyden, E Allan(IT).

  1. Chairperson, Report: Bob spoke of how well all is progressing and, all the support we have had, looking forward to the start of the Project, “moving the building”.

  2. Treasurer, Report, Clive was unable to make it, will update on next meeting (AGM)

  3. Secretary, Report, again another busy month dealing with Funders, Architect, Hopetoun Estates, the draft lease from Hopetoun Est was handed to members to look at and all approved to go forward and complete. Also, any other letters in the open arch lever of members to read.

  4. Planning progress, all going forward with no problems.

  5. REF, CLYDE, Funding, waiting for confirmation.

  6. Lease, we have been advised to speak to our solicitor regarding the lease and the CIC on the Lowther Hill Building, ND will contact. also see Secretary’s Report item (3).

  7. Promoting L&DMS, we are now on Facebook so any help with this would be appreciated.

  8. Roadshow in Wanlockhead, on Saturday 1st June, Bob asked for members to help if they are free, please contact Bob.

  9. AGM will be 14th June 2024 at the Lowther Hill Building 6:30 all welcome.

  10. Insurance update, Lawrie Ross are working on it, will be in touch soon as.

  11. AOB, None.

Bob thanked all for attending closed.

Move information can be found on our web page.


Facebook: Lowther & District Men’s Shed.

Email: lowthermensshed@gmail.com