Lowther and District Men’s Shed

Minutes of meeting held at Lowther Hill building 01/04/2024 6:30 pm.

Attending: J Lowdon, (Chair). C Greatorex, (Treasurer). N Davies, (Secretary). G Elliott (tre), N Stewart, (tre), E Allan, (IT). P Cope.

Members: R Leyden, J Saunders, R Senior, W Whitaker.

Apologies: B Fraser, G Hartly.

  1. Chairperson Report: Bob runover the letter put out on the 02/04/2024 “Letter From our chairperson” you can also find it on: lowthermensshed.co.uk and most points will be talked about further down the minutes.

  2. Treasurer Report: Clive has worked up a spread sheet for L&DMS accounts, this will be updated for our monthly meetings, and satisfies all the funders requirements, together with making it easier for our yearly accounts. We have a good bank balance to date.

  3. Secretary Report: It’s been another busy month with email and letters, so Nigel has printed off all correspondence and put into Arch leaver folders members can peruse at the meeting, but not to be removed. There is also a complete laminated folder of the new men’s shed site, with drawings of the buildings.

  4. CLLD funding stage 1: all planning, building warrants, engineers reports, site reports, Architects costs have been covered by this grant and is now closed.

  5. SLC Planning Progress: all is now in place, we are only waiting for the building warrant, once we have this in our hand, we are good to go with starting works in Ramsay Road, Leadhills.

  6. REF & Clyde Wind Farm, Funding Progress: Hopefully we should hear very soon, this will greatly push the project forward.

  7. Printer purchase: Ewan and myself purchased Printer, paper, ink, and Laminator as agreed by the members.

  8. Moving the Lowther Building: We now legally have the building, the ski club have taken all their contents, we have the warrants to remove the building to Ramsay Road and store, waiting for confirmation of funding.

  9. Promoting Lowther Men’s Shed: we have opened a Facebook page sorry, but it may take me a bit of time to get the hang of it, please be patient.

  10. Lowther hill building Engineers Report: the building is in good condition with no defects.

  11. AOB, None.

  12. Meeting Closed. Chair thanked all for attending.