Lowther and District Men’s Shed


Greetings Members,

We now have over 60 members and membership is progressing well.

Hopefully in the near future the building on the Lowther Hill will be dismantled and transported to the site in Ramsay Road, Leadhills, which we have negotiated leasing terms with Hopetoun Estates.

Planning Permission for the new site together with building warrants for moving the building have been passed by South Lanarkshire Council.

Our next Meeting is Friday 5th April in the Ski building, which is sited on the Radar Road, Lowther Hill, just below the Radar Station, please meet at the gate bottom of the Radar Road 6:20 PM.

Anyone requiring transport to the meeting please contact as below: -

Nigel Davies: 07766264455


Bob Lowdon: 0165974385


Very Best Regards,

Bob, Chairperson.