Lowther and District Men’s Shed

Minutes of meeting at Gowanbank 17/11/2023

Attending: J Lowdon (chair). C Greatorex (Treasurer).

N Davies (Secretary). N Stewart (tre). E Allan (tre).

G Hartly (tre) Members: N Kennedy, K Ledger,

J Saunders, J Ralph.

Apologies: B Fraser (tre). R Leyden.

1, TREASURER REPORT. All in order

2, CHAIR UPDATE, very happy with progress and on track to complete the project Autunm 2024.

3, VISIT TO CRAWFORD. This was our second Roadshow, great afternoon, very well received with new members gained, would like to thank Lyndsay for her support.

4, ND had visiting cards printed with L&DMS LOGO.

5, SLC GRANT VISOR. is now complete, and we have instructed architect to forward planning.

6, LOTTERY, Will be applying for more funding.

7, Will be looking into taking the L&DMS roadshow to Wanlockhead, Abington & Crawfordjohn, will keep you updated, all support will be appreciated.

8, BUILDING LEASE, we have now signed the heads of terms with Hopetoun Estates and now working toward getting a full 25-year Lease.

9, FUNDING THROUGH CLLD, after having the “fund management meeting” to finalise the funding, we are all good to go! thanks to Bob and Paul for their support. This is a big step forward.

10, AOB, Many thanks to Wanlockhead community council for their support in passing a micro grant application from the windfarm, also thanks to Bob.

Hopetoun Estates have invited us to have a look at woodworking machines in storage, visit is to be 16th January 2024 11:00 at Hopetoun, let me know if you would like to come.

PLEASE NOTE: Next Committee meeting will be in the new year; in the meantime, I will update you all on the: Lowthermensshed.co.uk : Web Page and notice boards.

2023 has been a good year and let’s hope 2024 better still, have a good Christmas and new year. Nigel L&DMS