Hi to all shedders, We have some great news, after a meeting with Donald Noble, Factor of Hopetoun Estates, and Martin Docherty, Director of the ski club in Wanlockhead, we have been given the go ahead

1, The Hopetoun Estates have agreed to the Men’s Shed site being next to the telecom building in Ramsay Road, Leadhills, subject to planning. 2, The Ski Club have agreed to let the Men’s Shed have the ski club clubhouse, we will have to have it taken down and clear the site to Hopetoun Estates requirements and have it re-erected on its new site.

When the weather gets a little better, we will have our first get together and form a committee etc, will be in the next week or two I will give you all plenty of notice, please try and attend as we need your help. Will keep you all up to date as things progress.